Detailed translations for "hem"


1. general


2. textiles

hem(also: braid, piping)
die Paspel{feminine}
der Saum{masculine}
He's got millions of followers who would crawl across the world just to touch the hem of his
Er hat Millionen Anhänger, die um die Welt kriechen würden, um den Saum seines Gewandes zu
People will travel from thousands of miles just to touch the hem of her garment.
Leute werden Tausende Kilometer reisen, nur ihm ihren Saum zu berühren.
die Einfassung{feminine}
die Stoßkante{feminine}
die Kante{feminine}

to hem

1. military

to hem

2. other

to hem
to hem
einfassen{transitive verb}

3. textiles

to hem(also: to seam, to welt sth.)
etw. säumen{transitive verb}

English synonyms for "hem"

hem {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.