"her" in German

Detailed translations for "her"


her(also: whose, of which, its, their)
It's for a family where the father is out of work and the mother is expecting her seventh child.
Für eine Familie, deren Vater ohne Arbeit ist und deren Mutter ihr 7. Kind erwartet.
Leslie loved her mother, Abigail, and her father, Jack, and their dogs, Harvey and little bear.
Leslie liebte ihre Mutter Abigail, ihren Vater Jack und deren Hunde, Harvey und Little Bear.
her(also: its, their, you-all, ya'll)
Just give her that winning smile of yours, make her feel special, and give her this stupid stuff.
Her husband her ex-boyfriend, her current boyfriend, and maybe her future boyfriend.
Ihr Mann, ihr Exfreund, ihr derzeitiger Freund und vielleicht ihr künftiger Freund.
Tap directly into her hopes, her wants... her fears, her desires, and her sweet little panties.
Klink dich ein in ihre Hoffnungen, ihre Wünsche, ihre Ängste, ihr Begehren und ihre süßen kleinen
I have her... you know, her shirt and her undershirt and her shoes and her pants, and they're
Ich habe ihre Bluse und ihr Unterhemd und ihre Schuhe und ihre Hosen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.