"hex" in German
Detailed translations for "hex"
hex(also: curse, cursing, malediction, imprecation)
If it's black, there's a hex in the air, and if it's red, well, then you know you're in trouble.
Ist er schwarz, liegt ein Fluch in der Luft. Und wenn er rot ist, dann hast du echte Probleme.
Nadine's hex was a little more powerful than I had calculated.
Nadines Fluch war mächtiger, als ich erwartet hatte.
hex(also: curse, cursing, malediction, imprecation)
hex(also: curse, cursing, malediction, imprecation)
hex(also: curse, cursing, malediction, imprecation)
to hex
to hex
to hex(also: to bedevil, to bewitch, to ensorcell)
I don't know. You know, it would be great, actually, if you could hex Leslie.
Eigentlich wäre es schon super, wenn du Leslie verhexen könntest.
If anyone could put the hex on Carl Resnick, it's you.
Wenn irgendjemand Carl Resnick verhexen konnte, dann Sie.
to hex
verwünschen{transitive verb}