"imitation" in German

"imitation" German translation

Detailed translations for "imitation"


1. general

imitation(also: take-off, analogue, mimicry, analog)
die Nachahmung{feminine}
And although imitation is, of course, the highest form of flattery, his imitations are not very
Nachahmung als höchste Form der Schmeichelei.
It has been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Es heißt, Nachahmung sei die aufrichtigste Form des Kompliments.
imitation(also: impression of sb.)
die Imitation{feminine}
This act of yours, the imitation of friendship... don't get me wrong. You play the part well
Deine Darbietung, die Imitation von Freundschaft... versteh mich nicht falsch.
I'll make some inquiries, but honestly, your style is a rather cheap imitation of Mary Cassatt's.
Ich werde mich erkundigen, aber ehrlich gesagt ist dein Stil nur eine billige Imitation von Mary

2. religion, of Christ

die Nachfolge{feminine}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.