Detailed translations for "indistinguishable"


indistinguishable(also: indiscernible, unidentifiable)
indistinguishable(also: unnoticeable, unnoticeably, imperceptive)
indistinguishable(also: unforeseeable, unknowable)
nicht erkennbar{adjectiv}
indistinguishable(also: undistinguishable)
indistinguishable(also: faint, dim, inarticulate, undistinguishable)
indistinguishable(also: undistinguishable)
A friend of mine once wrote that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Ein Freund schrieb einmal, dass weit vorangeschrittene Technologie nicht zu unterscheiden ist von
- Uh, singularity is when intelligent machines become indistinguishable from humans.
- Singularität ist, wenn intelligente Maschinen von Menschen nicht zu unterscheiden sind.

English synonyms for "indistinguishable"

indistinguishable {a}
indistinguishable {s}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.