"manipulation" in German

"manipulation" German translation

Detailed translations for "manipulation"


manipulation(also: operation)
die Handhabung{feminine}
But he has no experience whatsoever of the manipulation of such a community as ours.
Aber er hat keinerlei Erfahrung was die Handhabung einer Gemeinschaft wie der unseren betrifft.
manipulation(also: tampering, gerrymandering)
die Manipulation{feminine}
He was illegally harvesting human organs, experimenting with genetic manipulation and
Er hat illegal menschliche Organe gesammelt und mit genetischer Manipulation experimentiert.
It's more like a magical manipulation of a conventional element... Mm-hmm. That then becomes space.
Das ist wie die magische Manipulation eines konventionellen Elements, das zu einem Raum wird.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.