Detailed translations for "quell"

to quell

1. general

to quell(also: to control, to restrain)
to quell(also: to chasten)
zügeln{transitive verb}

2. fear

to quell
bezwingen{transitive verb}

3. feelings

to quell(also: to weigh down)
to quell
ersticken{transitive verb}
...He who wishes to quell all expansion.
Der jegliche Expansion im Keim ersticken will.

4. riot

to quell
This Army being raised to quell this rebellion and to preserve the Union.
Diese Armee soll die Rebellion niederschlagen und die Union festigen.
to quell
unterdrücken{transitive verb}

5. anxieties

to quell
überwinden{transitive verb}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.