Detailed translations for "screwed up"

screwed up

Tramadol helps some, but I got to tell you, much as oxy screwed up my life, it sure knocked out the
Tramadol hilft, aber ich muss sagen, auch wenn Oxy mein Leben versaut hat, hat es doch sicher den
That you screwed up because the witness you brought in was a joke.
Dass du's versaut hast, weil dein Zeuge eine Niete war.
screwed up(also: bobbles, muddled, muddles, messed up)
And it's not getting screwed up by a mortal... who has no business inside of a monster cave,
Das vermasselt mir keine Sterbliche... die nichts verloren hat in einer... Monsterhöhle, außer...
The neck-biter will want to take wicked revenge against the one who screwed up his tour. Shit,
Der Nackenbeißer wird böse Rache an dem nehmen wollen, der ihm die Tour vermasselt hat!
screwed up(also: bobbles, messed up, messes up, bungled)


What did your screwed-up parents do to screw up your view of parenting?
Was haben ihre verkorksten Eltern getan, das Ihre Sicht der Elternschaft verkorkst hat?
lead to screwed-up squared.
betrogenen Mom, führt zu verkorkst sein zum Quadrat.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.