"she" in German

"she" German translation

She {m pl}

Detailed translations for "she"


She{masculine plural}
You never know what's going to be tossed around on He Said, She Said.
Man weiß nie, was in "He Said, She Said" so alles herumfliegt.
She could be out there making small talk with your mom and dad.
She könnte da draußen sein und mit deinen Eltern plaudern.


she(also: they)
she(also: her, its, their, you-all)
She's her own agent, she chooses the cases she wants to work on, and she calls in when she feels
Sie ist ihr eigener Agent. Sie sucht sich ihre Fälle selbst aus, und sie meldet sich, wenn ihr
If she were meant to find the Emperor, her brother would've given her the information she seeks.
Sollte sie den Kaiser finden, hätte ihr Bruder ihr die dafür notwendigen Informationen gegeben.
she(also: they)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.