Detailed translations for "shipment"


1. adminstration, of sth.

die Verbringung{feminine}

2. transportation

der Verlad{masculine}

3. economics

der Versand{masculine}
He authorized the shipment of hazardous materials to Southside Salvage.
Er genehmigte den Versand gefährlichen Materials zum Southside Schrottplatz.
Kennedy put a trade embargo on Cuba, ostensibly halting the shipment of Cuban manufactured
Kennedy verfügte ein Handelsembargo gegen Kuba, was den Versand von Sansabelt-Hosen aus Kuba,
die Verfrachtung{feminine}

4. economics, of goods

shipment(also: consignment)
die Warensendung{feminine}
shipment(also: consignment)
die Sendung{feminine}
- Ms. Long had Ridley's shipment pre. -Papered through customs so they wouldn't be inspected.
Ms. Long hatte Ridleys Sendung vorher vorverzollt.
Where do you think your last shipment of Sten guns to Wadi Kassir came from, huh?
- Was glauben Sie, von wem die letzte Sendung Sten-Gewehre kam?
shipment(also: consignment)
die Warenlieferung{feminine}
shipment(also: consignment)
die Lieferung{feminine}
You know that place I was telling you about in Chinatown is getting a new shipment in from Hong
Dieser Laden in Chinatown bekommt eine neue Lieferung aus Hong-Kong.
We've been retained by the Regent's Park Zoo to arrange shipment of a Carcharodon carcharias.
Wir sollen uns hier um eine Lieferung kümmern. Ein Carcharodon carcharias.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.