"striving" in German
Detailed translations for "striving"
1. for
striving(also: aspiration, movement, quest)
You've done away with humanity. The striving of man to achieve greatness through his own resources.
Sie haben die Menschlichkeit abgeschafft, das Streben des Menschen, Größe aus eigener Kraft zu
There is this formalized striving for selflessness, for letting go of ego, for the totality of
Es gibt da dieses formalisierte Streben für Selbstlosigkeit, das loslassen von Ego, für das ganze
2. other
striving(also: aiming at, aspiring, aspiring to achieve)
striving(also: fighting, warring, battling, struggling)
striving(also: struggling, wrestling)
striving(also: grasping, aspiring, aspiring to achieve, pursuing)
striving(also: aiming at, aspiring, aspiring to achieve, envisaging)
striving(also: aspiring, aspiring to achieve)