English-German dictionary - Letter "V" - Page 1 'Vanity Fair''Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge''Vespers of the Blessed Virgin''Vienna Life''Villa' was something of a misnomer - the place was no more than an old farmhouse.'Voices Of Spring Waltz''Volpone, or the Fox'(vonto vacantnessto vacateto vacate a placeto vacate your position as managing directorto vacate your seat for sb.to vacationto vaccinate sb. against sth.to vacillateto vacuumto vacuum-cleanto valetto validate school leaving certificatesto validate sth.to valoriseto valorizeto valuateto valueto vamooseto vampto vamp upto vamp up sth.to vanto vandaliseto vandalise sth.to vandalize to vandalize sth.to vanishto vanish from the radar screento vanish into thin airto vanquishto vapor depositto vapor-blastto vaporiseto vaporizeto vapour-galvanise sth.to variegateto varnishto varyto vascularize sth.to vaultto vault over sth.to vault over the buckto vauntto vaunt sth.to veerto veer across/towards/into/to a placeto veer and haulto veer away / off from sth.to veer away from the subjectto veer from sth.to veer from your initial opinionto veer off courseto veer off the main route into woodland areato veer off the roadto veer off the straight-and-narrowto veer roundto veer sharplyto veer sharply to the left