Detailed translations for "vacation"

to vacation

I didn't come on vacation to call hospitals. No, it's out of the question.
Ich will Urlaub machen und nicht Kliniken besuchen.
It just means that Clark and I would save up and someday take a vacation like a normal couple.


1. general

vacation(also: holiday, holidays)
Ferien{masculine plural}
Boy, have we got a vacation for you, vacation for you for you, for you, for you...
Wir haben die Ferien für Sie für Sie, für Sie, für Sie...
Man, I just wanna... just wanna nestle in there and just take a little vacation in there.
Ich möchte mich einkuscheln und ein wenig in den Ferien sein.
vacation(also: holiday, leave)
der Urlaub{masculine}
Mr. Plunkett, single-handedly the worst vacation that I've ever experienced in my life.
Mr. Plunkett, das war der allerschlimmste Urlaub meines ganzen Lebens.
Hardly the vacation they envisioned when they got their tickets for Norway.
vacation(also: holiday)
der Erholungsurlaub{masculine}

2. of a thing

das Freimachen{neuter}
das Freiwerden{neuter}

3. school

vacation(also: term break, vac)
Semesterferien{masculine plural}

English synonyms for "vacation"

vacation {n}
vacation {v}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.