"volley" in German

Detailed translations for "volley"


1. of sth.

volley(also: shower)
der Regen{masculine}
volley(also: shower, barrage, hail)
der Hagel{masculine}
volley(also: shower)
der Schwall{masculine}

2. military

volley(also: salvo, fusillade)
die Salve{feminine}
She did not respond. A second volley was fired. There still was no response.
Auch eine zweite Salve blieb unbeantwortet.
The 9th and 10th legions were on the left, and discharged a volley of spears at the Atrebates."
"Die 9. und 10. Legionen waren an der linken Flanke "und feuerten eine Salve von Speeren auf die

English synonyms for "volley"

volley {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.