Detailed translations for "bumped"


bumped(also: jolted)
bumped(also: run into, crashed, banged)
bumped(also: sent, thrust, dug, butted)
I bumped my head, and now my loving husband Al is helping me to regain my former personality.
Ich habe mir den Kopf gestoßen und mein liebender Mann Al... hilft mir, meine frühere
Your pulse staticizer probably got jammed when you bumped your head.
Deine Zeitimpulsstatik hat sich wohl verklemmt, als du dich gestoßen hast.
I must have bumped my head, because the next thing I remember, he was dragging me.
Ich muss mir den Kopf angestoßen haben, denn das Nächste, an das ich mich erinnere ist, wie er mich
bumped(also: bent, failing, hit, chipped)
bumped(also: screwed, shagged, rooted, fucked)
But me would never feel completely comfortable Me being bumped by a man. Or even bumping a man.
Aber von einem Mann gebumst zu werden wäre mir zu heiß.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.