"earnings" in German

Detailed translations for "earnings"


1. economics

der Ertrag{masculine}
earnings(also: profit)
der Gewinn{masculine}
Your one percent cut of future corporate earnings will have to be carried out on a handshake basis.
Ihr Anteil von 1% am zukünftigen Gewinn muss per Handschlag besiegelt werden.
Your partnership earnings and bonuses totaled $972,000 last year.

2. finance, of a person in return for labour or services

der Verdienst{masculine}
I took the liberty of transferring your earnings directly to your creditors.
Ich war so frei und schickte Ihren Verdienst direkt an Ihre Schuldner.
Your earnings will be yours to do with as you will as long as you remain solvent.
Dann können Sie mit Ihrem Verdienst tun, was Sie wollen, solange Sie solvent bleiben.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.