English-German dictionary - Letter "G" - Page 104 to glimpseto glintto glistento glisterto glitterto glitter brightlyto gloamto gloat about/at/over sth.to gloat at the misfortune of othersto globaliseto globalizeto glom onto sb./sth.to glorifyto gloryto glory in one's abilityto gloss over sth.to gloss sth.to glowto glowerto glue onto glue on sth.to glue sth.to glue/paste sth. togetherto glue/paste up sth. on/to sth.to glug down sth.to glutto glut oneselfto gnashto gnash your teethto gnawto gnaw awayto gnaw offto goto go a long way roundto go aboard/on board an aircraft/a shipto go about an activityto go about it skilfullyto go about sth.to go abroadto go across the roadto go against one's willto go aheadto go ahead of sb.to go ahead with sth.to go all outto go all the wayto go all-outto go alongto go along on one's kneesto go along with sth.to go and buy something to eatto go and loseto go and see sb.to go and see sth. for yourselfto go anywhere to go ashoreto go astrayto go at a crawlto go at it like a bull in a china shopto go awayto go away for Easterto go away in a foursometo go away on a business tripto go away on a tripto go away on businessto go awryto go backto go back onto go back toto go backpackingto go backwardsto go badto go badlyto go bail forto go baldto go ballisticto go bananasto go bangto go bankruptto go battyto go before a courtto go beggingto go behind the houseto go belly upto go berserkto go beyond our comfort zoneto go beyond sth.to go beyond the scope ofto go blindto go bonkersto go broketo go brownto go bumpto go bustto go byto go by bicycleto go by busto go by carto go by planeto go by sth.to go by taxito go by trainto go by tramto go campingto go canoeingto go carol singing at Epiphanyto go carol-singing/carolling at Epiphanyto go climbingto go clip-clop