English-German dictionary - Letter "G" - Page 27 Get along with you!Get away!Get back to me when you have an actual proposal/suggestion.Get cracking!Get home safe!get inGet it into your thick head that ...Get lost!Get me the record of the case.Get off my back!Get off my case!Get off, you creep!get onget oneself outGet organized!Get out of here!Get out of the way!Get out of town!Get out!Get out, the lot of you!Get over it!Get packed!Get ready at once!Get ready, get set, go!Get stuffed!get suedGet the lay of the land before you make any decisions.Get the picture?Get well soon!get-out danceget-to-know dayget-togetherget-upget-well wishesget/jaring on's nervesGet/Pull your finger out!getawaygetaway ...getaway cargetaway carsgetaway drivergetaway plangetaway plansgetaway routegetaway routesgetaway vehiclegetaway vehiclesGethsemanegetsgets aboutgets airbornegets backgets dirtygets dustygets excited gets hold ofgets in touch withgets into debtgets muddledgets overgets panickygets readygets ridgets worsegettergettersgettinggetting ...getting a chance to speakgetting a coldgetting a day offgetting a tangetting aboutgetting abusivegetting aheadgetting airbornegetting alonggetting along/ongetting angrygetting astraygetting atgetting awaygetting backgetting back on what I was sayinggetting bogged downgetting brokengetting burntgetting bygetting by dishonest meansgetting caughtgetting crackpot ideasgetting dirtygetting donegetting downgetting down to itgetting drenched/soakedgetting drunkgetting dustygetting encrusted/incrustedgetting evengetting excitedgetting exercisegetting footsoregetting from empathygetting fuel/petrol/gas/dieselgetting furthergetting goinggetting going againgetting hold of