English-German dictionary - Letter "G" - Page 98 to get round /around sth.to get round toto get ruinedto get rustyto get sb. by the throatto get sb. goingto get sb. in the mood for sth.to get sb. into trouble withto get sb. off the hookto get sb. on the runto get sb. out of the wayto get sb. out of troubleto get sb. paired off with sb.to get sb. sth.to get sb. talked aboutto get sb. to join youto get sb. to speakto get sb. used to sth.to get sb.'s dander upto get sb.'s hackles upto get sb.'s shirt outto get sb./sth. all wetto get scorchedto get seasickto get set in your waysto get shirty with sb.to get shot of sb./sth.to get sidetrackedto get slackto get smartto get smart with sb.to get snowed into get some kipto get somewhereto get somewhere with sth.to get staleto get sth.to get sth. as a present/giftto get sth. by dishonest meansto get sth. caughtto get sth. doneto get sth. for Christmasto get sth. from empathyto get sth. goingto get sth. in a mess / muddleto get sth. in one's footto get sth. in operationto get sth. in repairto get sth. in the bagto get sth. into working orderto get sth. off the groundto get sth. off your chestto get sth. opento get sth. out of sth.to get sth. over and done with to get sth. readyto get sth. shipshapeto get sth. shut/closedto get sth. sortedto get sth. straight from the horse's mouthto get sth. straight in one's mindto get sth. under controlto get sth. under wayto get sth. up and runningto get sth. wrongto get stuckto get stuck into sth.to get sunburnto get sunburnedto get sunburntto get tangled up in contradictionsto get tattooedto get tattoosto get the axto get the axeto get the better of sb.to get the better of sb./sth.to get the birdto get the blameto get the bootto get the buck passedto get the children back hometo get the chopto get the dishes doneto get the feel of/get used to an instrumentto get the house shipshapeto get the jump on your competitorsto get the lion's share of sth.to get the low-down on sb./sth.to get the OKto get the order wrongto get the pictureto get the pushto get the right qualifications for sth.to get the runaroundto get the sackto get the shock of one's lifeto get the snifflesto get the stickto get the truthto get the whole process rolingto get thinto get things out of perspectiveto get things under wayto get throughto get through sth.to get through the customsto get through the winterto get ticked off