"in full" in German

Detailed translations for "in full"

in full

in full(also: total, whole, all, unmitigated)
You know, to be in full compliance, but it must have... It must have slipped my mind.
Wissen Sie, ganz vorschriftsmäßig, aber es muss mir irgendwie entfallen sein.
He had the arrogance to display it in full view.
Er hatte die Arroganz, es uns ganz offen zu präsentieren.
in full(also: total, completed, all, exhaustive)
They were going to you. Minbari souls are being reborn in part or in full in human bodies.
Minbari-SeeIen werden zum teil oder vollständig in Menschenkörpern wieder geboren.
Body is not in full rigor.
Nicht vollständig ausgeprägte Totenstarre.

English synonyms for "in full"

in full {r}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.