Detailed translations for "routine"


1. general

routine(also: rut, experience, practice)
die Routine{feminine}
If there's a routine in an investigation like this there must also be a routine for a person like
Wenn es fûr eine solche Untersuchung eine Routine gibt, muß es auch eine Routine geben fûr mich.
Think of today as each alley is a little darker, and every routine call... may not be routine at
routine(also: jog)
der Trott{masculine}
routine(also: ordinary)
It's just routine check.
routine(also: stereotyping, ordinary)
routine(also: ho-hum)
We're making a routine search of the entire carriage and asking a few questions.
Wir untersuchen routinemäßig alle Abteile des Wagens und stellen ein paar Fragen.
As for the hair, it's a routine test that we do in the lab...
Haaranalysen machen wir routinemäßig im Labor.
routine(also: runny)

2. computing, program for recurrent tasks

die Routine{feminine}
Routine, in that we make these kind of calls all the time, so routine for me.
Und nein. Routine insofern, dass wir das öfter machen, also Routine für mich.
As an IT, Lieutenant Evans' area of responsibility was to perform routine tests on the ship's
Als IT-Fachmann, war Lieutenant Evans dafür verantwortlich, Routine Tests der Schiff Sicherheit

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.