English-German dictionary - Letter "T" - Page 94 titletitle bartitle barstitle blocktitle bouttitle boutstitle boxtitle by descenttitle cataloguetitle deedtitle holdertitle holderstitle linktitle of a single item of a seriestitle of executiontitle of nobility conferred by letters patenttitle of the inventiontitle on the spinetitle pagetitle pagestitle properTitle Registertitle registrationTitle Registration Officetitle roletitle rolestitle screentitle screenstitle sequencetitle to a benefittitle to goodstitle to landtitle to mineral resourcestitleholdertitleholderstitlestitlingtitmicetitrandtitrandstitranttitrantstitratedtitratestitratingtitrationtitration standard of a solutiontitration syringetitration syringestitratortitratorstitretitrimetrictitrimetric analysistitrimetrytitstits uptittertitteredtitteringtitteringlytitterstittiestittivatedtittivatestittivatingtittletittle-tattletittle-tattledtittle-tattlestittle-tattlingtittlestitulartitular nationTitus Flavius Domitianus , DomitianTitus Maccius Plautustizanidinetizenitetizzy toto tabto tableto table a motionto table a resolutionto table an amendmentto table sth.to tabooto taboo sth.to tabulateto tackto tack weldto tack-weldto tackleto tackle age barriersto tackle an issue frontally/head-onto tackle sb.to tackle the problem of whyto tagto tag a carto tag alongto tag along with sb.to tag sb.to tailto tail back trafficto tail offto tailgate the motorist in frontto tailorto taintto taketo take (be onto take / adopt an anti-government stanceto take / do one's Master'sto take / keep minutesto take / pick a cardto take a back seatto take a backseatto take a bearing on sth.to take a beatingto take a bite of sth.to take a bowto take a breakto take a breathing spaceto take a broad viewto take a calculated riskto take a callto take a car for a road testto take a car for a test driveto take a chanceto take a chance on sb./sth.to take a compass bearingto take a cornerto take a corner kickto take a courseto take a cureto take a day offto take a decisionto take a deep breathto take a dictationto take a different tone/approachto take a dim view of so./sth.to take a diveto take a dog for a walkto take a dope testto take a fancy toto take a few faltering/halting stepsto take a flash phototo take a free kickto take a great deal of trouble over sth.to take a great interest in sth.to take a hard line againstto take a heavy toll on sb./sth.to take a holistic approach to improving the educational systemto take a house on a 10-year leaseto take a hurdleto take a joketo take a leadto take a leap of faithto take a leap of faith with sb./sth.