Detailed translations for "telephone"


telephone(also: telephone set, phone)
der Telefonapparat{masculine}
[Monteiro] And so, you mustn't use the same telephone device more than once.
Daher darf man denselben Telefonapparat nicht mehrmals benutzen.
telephone(also: telephone set, phone)
das Telefon{neuter}
Okay, use your telekinesis power to lift those objects. I don't see a telephone anywhere. - No, no.
Well, it's hardly my fault if you insist on talking police business whilst on the telephone to me.
Sie redeten über Polizeiangelegenheiten, während ich am Telefon war.
telephone(also: telephone set, phone)
der Fernsprechapparat{masculine}
telephone(also: telephone set, phone)
der Fernsprecher{masculine}
But the telephone is here now, and the girls got used to it when we were in London.
Aber der Fernsprecher existiert nun einmal, und die Mädchen haben sich in London daran gewöhnt.
But why would we ever want a telephone at Downton, milord?
Wozu sollten wir auf Downton einen Fernsprecher brauchen?

to telephone

telefonieren{intransitive verb}
- Laura? - There ain't no telephone to the grave, Steele.
And then I borrowed her telephone and called Scotland Yard.
Dann fragte ich, ob ich telefonieren dürfte und rief Scotland Yard an.

English synonyms for "telephone"

telephone {n}
telephone {v}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.