Detailed translations for "exist"

to exist

1. general

to exist(also: to feature)
to exist
existieren{intransitive verb}
That means she must have bound it to something that could exist just as long. A mystical anchor.
Sie wurde also mit irgendwas verbunden, was genauso lang existieren kann.
A story invented entirely by its author. The characters and locations exist only in his
Die Figuren und die Orte der Handlung existieren nur in der Fantasie des Autors.
to exist(also: to be available, to be)
wesen{intransitive verb}

2. adminstration

to exist(also: to be present)
I wanted to impress you and your friends and prove that I could exist in both your world and mine.
Ich wollte dich und deine Freunde beeindrucken, und beweisen, dass ich in beiden Welten bestehen
It's some sort of creature that's able to exist in both organic and pure energy form.
Es ist ein Wesen, das sowohl in organischer als auch in Form von reiner Energie bestehen kann.
to exist(also: to be present)
gegeben sein{intransitive verb}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.