Detailed translations for "honest"


1. general

Putting words into my mouth. Just be honest with me! I am being honest with you.
Well, I appreciate your honesty. Since you were honest with me, I'll be honest with you.
Ich weiß deine Ehrlichkeit zu schätzen, und da du ehrlich zu mir gewesen bist, werde ich auch
Seems like the biggest mistake that I made was being completely honest with you.
Aber schlimmer war, aufrichtig zu dir zu sein.
He could never fit in with our distorted viewpoint, because he's honest and sincere and good.
Er konnte nie in unsere verzerrte Sichtweise passen... denn er ist ehrlich und aufrichtig und gut.
He wants to reassure you, in any way he can, of his honest intentions.
Er will euch versichern, dass seine Absichten redlich sind.
Here I am out busting my ass all day long, trying to make an honest living.
Ich plage mich den ganzen Tag lang ab, um mich redlich zu nähren.
honest(also: upright, righteous)
If we respect the law because we're civil, honest and have integrity and dignity, isn't that much
Aber wenn wir ihnen Folge leisten, weil wir rechtschaffen und ehrlich sind, aus Integrität und

2. gastronomy, wine taste

Well, I wanna be honest with you because you've always been honest with me, Lola.
Ich will ganz ehrlich zu dir sein... weil du auch immer ehrlich zu mir warst, Lola.
Look, I should've been honest a long time ago, but I would like to be honest now.
Schau, ich sollte vor langer Zeit ehrlich sein, aber ich würde gerne jetzt ehrlich sein.

English synonyms for "honest"

honest {a}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.