Detailed translations for "rehearse"


rehearse(also: proof, trial, test, prob)
die Probe{feminine}
Wait till you rehearse 10 hours straight and then dance at a performance.
Nach zehn Stunden Probe und einer Vorstellung.
It's just a chance for us to rehearse for Worlds.

to rehearse

to rehearse
That's honestly the place I've been lately. Groups go in there to rehearse for the harmonies.
In manchen Clubs proben die Bands auf dem Klo.
You're gonna have to rehearse with Drew, like, every day. - Don't even get me started.
Du wirst jeden Tag mit Drew proben müssen.
to rehearse
We have to put two speeches together. We have to rehearse them, we have to hone our timing.
Wir müssen zwei Reden kombinieren, wir müssen sie üben und am Timing feilen.
It seems like even when we get the chance to rehearse and prepare... and practice...
Es scheint, selbst wenn dir die Chance zum einstudieren und vorbereiten... und üben hat...
to rehearse
einstudieren{intransitive verb}

English synonyms for "rehearse"

rehearse {v}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.