"until now" in German

Detailed translations for "until now"

until now

What puzzles me is why Curt Bohannan waited until now to start this deadly Nightshade business.
Was mich verblüfft ist, wieso Curt Bohannan bis jetzt gewartet hat, diese tödliche
Can you describe the whole story from the beginning until now in your own words?
Von Anfang bis jetzt in deinen eigenen Worten? Was?
My primary concern until now was finding the armbands... ..and then determining how they worked.
Meine Sorge galt bisher dem Auffinden der Armbänder... - ..und der Erforschung der Funktionalität.
The Ministry of Defence has released a new list of Italian dead until now considered missing.
Das Verteidigungsministerium gab die Namen Verstorbener bekannt, die bisher als vermisst galten.

English synonyms for "until now"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.