Detailed translations for "whipping"


whipping(also: flogging)
das Auspeitschen{neuter}
I guess I just don't think whipping people is a good motivator.
Wahrscheinlich denke ich nur nicht, dass Auspeitschen motivierend wirkt.
whipping(also: defeat, rout, reverse, drubbing)
die Niederlage{feminine}
whipping(also: collapse, fizzling, bankruptcy, flop)
die Pleite{feminine}
whipping(also: thrashing, pounding, hiding, drubbing)
die Tracht Prügel{feminine}
One, you can call the cops, or two, you can dole out a whipping for yourself.
Entweder du rufst die Cops oder du teilst statt mir eine Tracht Prügel aus.
No, the only witnesses were the guards and the guys whipping my ass.
- Nein, der einzige Zeuge waren die Wachen und die Kerle, die mir eine Tracht Prügel verabreichten.
whipping(also: flaying, flogging)
whipping(also: lashing)
whipping(also: running, bolting, rushing, pelting)
whipping(also: racing, careening, bolting, zooming)
whipping(also: bolting, zooming, rushing, streaking)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.