Detailed translations for "investment"


1. finance, of money

die Geldanlage{feminine}
Let's hope the French Minister of Finance knows a bad investment when he sees one.
Hoffen wir, dass der Finanzminister eine schlechte Geldanlage erkennt.
Come on, Earl. We have got to protect our investment here.

2. other

der Kapitaleinsatz{masculine}
investment(also: tray, stake, compartment, assignment)
der Einsatz{masculine}
Your tactical droid has informed me of the pitiful job you have done protecting our investment on

3. finance

investment(also: capital investment)
die Vermögensanlage{feminine}
investment(also: capital investment)
die Kapitalanlage{feminine}
We have an amazing investment opportunity I'd like 10 discuss with you.
Ich will Ihnen eine tolle Kapitalanlage vorstellen.
I didn't get you through that investment class so you could come down here and hang out with Will.
Ich hab dich nicht durch die Kapitalanlage Vorlesung geschleust um hier unten mit Will
investment(also: capital investment)
die Anlage{feminine}
It really does. It's an excellent investment for the franchise.
Consider it an investment in the future of a fine business relationship.
Halte es für eine Anlage in der Zukunft einer feinen Geschäftsverbindung.
investment(also: capital investment)
die Investition{feminine}
Where's the provision determining the ratio of investment to controlling interest?
Wo ist die Klausel, die Investition und Mehrheitsbeteiligung regelt?
I personally guarantee that you will get a complete return on your investment within five months.
Meine persönliche Garantie, daß sich in fünf Monaten... Ihre Investition bezahlt macht.

English synonyms for "investment"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.