"sanity" in German

Detailed translations for "sanity"


die Vernunft{feminine}
I don't think that sanity is a yardstick by which Vandal Savage can be measured.
Vernunft ist kein Maßstab für Vandal Savage.
This face he showed the world, this face of sanity and benevolence, that was his real mask.
Doch sein Gesicht... das Vernunft und Güte ausstrahlte... war nur eine Maske.
sanity(also: mind, senses, brains, common sense)
der Verstand{masculine}
You'll feel yourself crumbling from within, your sanity slipping away.
Sie werden zusammenbrechen, spüren, wie lhr Verstand schwindet.
After a million years of shining sanity they could hardly have understood what power was destroying
Nach einer Million Jahren bei reinstem Verstand werden sie kaum begriffen haben können, welche

English synonyms for "sanity"

sanity {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.