English-German dictionary - Letter "M" - Page 131 to matterto matureto mature sth.to maulto maul the flaskto maunderto maunder onto max outto max sth. outto maximiseto maximizeTo me a bicycle connotes to independence and fun.to mean almost the sameto mean businessto mean everything to sb.to mean ill byto mean little to sb.to mean no harmto mean to do sth. {meantto mean well byto mean {meantto meanderto measure againto measure forto measure incorrectlyto measure offto measure outto measure out 200ml from a 4 litre containerto measure out sth.to measure out sth. from sth.to measure sb. for a suitto measure sb./sth.to measure sth.to measure sth. inaccuratelyto measure sth. with a precision of 15 nmto measure sth. with compassesto measure up sb.to measure up to a standardto measure up to sb.'s expectationsto measure up to sth.to measure up to sth. (expectationsto mechaniseto mechanizeto mechanize sth.to medalto meddle (into medevac a casualtyto mediateto mediate in a disputeto medicateto meditateto meditate on/over sth.to medivaca casualtyto meetto meet a needto meet a obligation to provide maintenance/supportto meet againto meet all requirementsto meet an objectionto meet coststo meet demandsto meet expensesto meet formal legal requirementsto meet in regular annual sessionto meet irregularlyto meet obligationsto meet one's expectations to meet one's masterto meet one's matchto meet people where they areto meet responsibilitiesto meet sb.to meet sb. halfwayto meet sb. in the fleshto meet sth.to meet the cash shortfallto meet the deadlineto meet the delivery dateto meet the directive's requirementsto meet the highest possible quality standardsto meet the requirementsto meet the standardto meet the written form requirementto meet these expenses out of tax revenueto meet together {metto meet up with sb.to meet with a rebuffto meet with a refusalto meet with a square refusalto meet with an accidentto meet with applauseto meet with general acceptanceto meet with oppositionto meet with resistanceto meet with sb. {metto meet with successto meet with the approval of sb.to meet {metto meet/miss a time limit/deadlineto meldto meld a scoreto meld sth.to meld sth. with sth.to meliorateto mell sth.to mellowto meltto melt awayto melt downto melt in tearsto melt in your mouthto melt sth.to melt togetherto melt {meltedto meltbackto meltdownto memorialiseto memorializeto memorise sth.to memorizeto memorize a poemto menace sb./sth.to mendto mend a punctureto mend fencesto menstruateto mentally review sth.to mentionto mention brieflyto mention sth.to mention sth. in passingto mentorto meowto mercerise