"need" in German

Detailed translations for "need"


der Bedarf{masculine}
Aren't you running the risk of entrenching the need for charity by increasingly institutionalizing
- The dispatch from Col. Reynolds explains the parameters of this operation, the need for secrecy.
- Die Depesche von Col. Reynolds... erläutert die Umstände und den Bedarf auf Geheimhaltung.
need(also: want)
das Bedürfnis{neuter}
Caught in the tension between the urge for freedom and the need for attachment?
Gefangen im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem Bedürfnis nach Freiheit und dem Bedürfnis nach
I'd apologize for the method of transport, but you understand our need for discretion.
Verzeihen Sie, aber Sie verstehen unser Bedürfnis nach Diskretion sicher.
die Not{feminine}
Okay, well, beggars can't be choosers, all right? And you need to hurry up.
He risked his life trying to return money stolen from people who desperately need it.
Er hat sein Leben riskiert, um das gestohlene Geld Leuten in Not zu geben.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.