Detailed translations for "brought"
1. general
brought(also: for), dealt with, anxious, anxiously (about)
I tried everything you brought back. It's like this thing is indestructible.
Ich habe alles versucht, was Sie besorgt haben, es scheint, als wäre das Ding unzerstörbar.
We were concerned for your safety, so we brought you to the hospital.
Wir waren wegen Ihrer Sicherheit besorgt und haben Sie ins Krankenhaus gebracht.
brought(also: got)
brought(also: got)
brought(also: got)
brought(also: televised, telecasted, got, yielded)
All due respect, you might have brought the Grayson name to the company, but I brought the Global.
Bei allem gebotenen Respekt, du magst zwar das Grayson in die Firma gebracht haben, aber ich
The man who brought me here, who brought all of my people here, he is a magnificent man.
Der Mann, der mich und alle meine Leute hierher gebracht hat, ist ein hervorragender Mann.
brought(also: involved, implicated, carried, entailed)
brought(also: brought along)
Apparently we had this fundraiser and I brought cupcakes, she brought cake pops.
Ich hatte Cupcakes mitgebracht und sie Cakepops.
Come on, I haven't much time. I brought you some food and clothes, and I'll leave you that mule.
Ich habe Kleider mitgebracht und was zu essen.
brought(also: established, traditional, fetched)
Who the fuck do you think I'm talking about? The two that were brought in here last night.
Den beiden, die gestern hergebracht wurden.
So what are you saying? That I was brought here by force, too? That my memories were manipulated?
Man soll mich gewaltsam hergebracht und mein Gedächtnis manipuliert haben?
2. in/into
nach sich ziehen{transitive verb}
brought}(also: to yield, to bring {brought)
brought}(also: to bring {brought)
brought}(also: to bring {brought, to fetch sb./sth.)
brought}(also: to bring {brought, put}, to lay {laid, laid})
anbringen{transitive verb}