"cessation" in German

Detailed translations for "cessation"


cessation(also: exit, finish, ending, bottom)
das Ende{neuter}
The cessation of violence appears to have weakened it, captain.
Das Ende der Gewalttätigkeiten hat es geschwächt.
'General Ojukwu, who led the Biafran cessation in Nigeria, 'is on his way to seek political asylum
Major Ojukwu, der das Ende von Biafra in Nigeria verantwortete, bittet um politisches Asyl an der
cessation(also: standstill, stagnation, stand, stagnancy)
der Stillstand{masculine}
Yes, good. Well, the cessation maybe, but after that, you responded...
die Einstellung{feminine}
We've just received information from sources at the ClA... that confirms the cessation of
Die CIA hat soeben... die Einstellung der Feindseligkeiten mit Albanien bestätigt.
Male returns with twelve flowering plant stems, species rosa rubifolia, effecting a cessation of
Männchen kehrt mit 12 Pflanzenstängeln der Spezies Rosa rubrifolia zurück, um eine Einstellung der
cessation(also: commission, job, stint, task)
die Aufgabe{feminine}

English synonyms for "cessation"

cessation {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.