Detailed translations for "come"


If there was one benefit to Escobar's imprisonment, it's that peace had finally come to Bogotá.
Wenn Escobars Haft ein Gutes hatte, dann, dass Frieden in Bogotá eingekehrt war.
If Curtin hadn't come home exactly when he did, who knows what direction this case might've gone
Wenn Curtin nicht genau dann heimgekommen wäre, wer weiß, was geschehen wäre.
You will come through this. Whatever else might happen in my life... Agnes has always been its
Was immer auch in meinem Leben geschehen wird Agnes wird stets das Wichtigste sein.
- OK. In a week's time, Aaron is gonna come into the bookstore and tell us that Operation Troy has
In einer Woche sagt uns Aaron im Buchladen, dass Operation Troy bereits stattgefunden hat.
Why don't you come back next week, after the happening has happened.
Kommen Sie doch wieder... nächste Woche, nachdem das Happening... stattgefunden hat.
Because nothing will come out of here that has not come out of here.
Weil nichts da herauskommen wird, was nicht hier herausgekommen ist.
And the stuff that's already come out, well, that's just the beginning.
Und was bereits über mich herausgekommen ist, das war nur der Anfang.
Okay, if you're gonna come in here and make absurd accusations, then we don't need you.
Falls Sie hierhergekommen sind, um absurde Vorwürfe zu machen, dann brauchen wir Sie nicht.
But worrying about why people come here gets in the way of what they're coming here to have done.
Aber sich zu sorgen, warum die Leute hierhergekommen sind, steht dem, was sie machen lassen wollen,
come here from where you have come we have pick up by mistake and now we are dropping you what i
gekommen hier von wo Sie sind gekommen wir haben, durch Fehler aufzuheben und jetzt lassen wir Sie
I have come to the conclusion... that the time has come for new blood in the honourable Council.
Ich bin zu dem Schluss gekommen dass der ehrenwerte Rat frisches Blut benötigt.


come}(also: to come {came)
kommen{intransitive verb}

to come

1. general

to come
geschehen{intransitive verb}
She seems to sense that she has come home, that no harm will come to her now.
Es scheint zu spüren, dass es heimkehrt und ihm nichts mehr geschehen wird.
But... whatever happens, I've just come here to tell you that you don't have to worry about the
Aber... was immer auch geschehen mag, ich wollte dir sagen, du musst dich um ihn nicht sorgen.
to come(also: to transpire)
stattfinden{intransitive verb}
The silence, an eerie foretelling of the destruction to come at one o'clock, the hour of doom!
Local come up to us and give us a tip that there was a meeting going on with some high-value

2. of

to come
But there may be something you don't want to come out, something Shaitana perhaps got an inkling
Falls es etwas gibt, was nicht herauskommen soll, etwas, was Shaitana vielleicht mitbekommen hat...
Deep in my heart, I truly believed... that something good would come out of it.
Aus tiefstem Herzen, glaubte ich... dass etwas Gutes dabei herauskommen würde.
to come
rauskommen{intransitive verb}
Because whatever it is, you have to assume at some point that shit is going to come out.
Sie müssen davon ausgehen, dass der Scheiß rauskommen wird.
You know, at some point in time, you're gonna have to come out and -- and talk to...
Du weißt, dass du irgendwann rauskommen und mit...

3. in this direction

to come(also: to approach, to come here)
hierherkommen{intransitive verb}
If we had to come back out here, we was gonna write you both up for disorderly conduct, right?
Wenn wir wieder hierherkommen müssen, schreiben wir sie auf wegen ungebührlichen Benehmens, oder?
Next time you feel like you wanna come by here and ask me for somethin', you go down there and get
Willst du nächstes Mal hierherkommen und mich um Geld bitten, nimm das da.

4. along

to come(also: to appear, to arrive)
hinzutreten{intransitive verb}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.